[fpc-pascal] Helpers for objects (not classes)

Sven Barth pascaldragon at googlemail.com
Tue Mar 24 11:33:14 CET 2015

Am 24.03.2015 11:19 schrieb "Michael Schnell" <mschnell at lumino.de>:
> On 03/23/2015 09:39 PM, Andrew Haines wrote:
>> Do the new class helpers support objects?
> Are "Objects" not depreciated, anyway ?

Not in FPC.

> IMHO "Object" and "Record" should just be subsumed under the Class
concept, so that the "Object" and "Record" keyword can be avoided a certain
modifier "Class" creates the appropriate types (of course keeping the
> "Object" and "Record" language construct as syntax candy for

No. Classes and records/objects are way to different. Even classes and
objects have enough differences that merging them would lead to problems.

> With that helpers and some more stuff would be ubiquitously usable.

Most stuff added for classes is already useable for objects, because they
share quote some code in the compiler. Helpers currently explicitly exclude
objects (and interfaces).

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