[fpc-pascal] FPCUnit - parallel test suite execution

Graeme Geldenhuys mailinglists at geldenhuys.co.uk
Thu Mar 19 11:55:39 CET 2015

On 2015-03-19 10:22, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
> And therein lies the catch: it's not always clear what constitutes an
> improvement ;)

Ah, that's an easy one. Whatever helps speeds up the developer's
(end-user) work. :-)

After using DUnit2 for so long I have gotten very used to the useful
test output it gives and the many features in the GUI Test Runner. eg: A
test Error (the unexpected one) in FPCUnit gave no hint as to where the
error actually occurred. So you have to run it via the IDE and debugger
just to find the location (could be many units deep), then go from there
to fix it. With DUnit2 and with the latest patches for FPCUnit, it now
tells you the exact unit and line number for Errors and Failures.

The next step would be to improve the GUI Test Runner in LCL.
 - scroll treeview to first error or failure [done]
 - improved keyboard shorcuts [done]
 - save state of selected tests
 - option to uncheck all passed tests so the next testrun only runs
   the previous failed ones
 - double click on failed tests and let the IDE open the related
   unit and jump to the exactl line number in question.
 - improved overview of failed tests

and many more others...

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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