[fpc-pascal] Warning "Local variable seems to be not initialized" on dyn array

Jürgen Hestermann juergen.hestermann at gmx.de
Tue Mar 10 18:08:14 CET 2015

Am 2015-03-10 um 17:40 schrieb Sven Barth:
 > > It mutes the warning with the ID 5089 (the ID can be seen with -vq). So as long as the managed and unmanaged ones use the same warning ID (AFAIR they do) they will both be silenced.
 > Ups, no, they are different. So at least if you use a current 2.7.1 or newer only the managed ones will be hidden.

Currently I use Lazarus 1.4RC1 with FPC Version 2.6.4.
Does this version already have different IDs for managed and non-managed types?

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