[fpc-pascal] compiler message files

Sven Barth pascaldragon at googlemail.com
Tue Jan 6 09:35:29 CET 2015

Am 06.01.2015 09:04 schrieb "Bee" <bee.ography at gmail.com>:
> On Tue, Jan 6, 2015 at 2:00 PM, Michael Van Canneyt <
michael at freepascal.org> wrote:
>> That said, in LaTeX there is no need for \section to be ended
explicitly. It is ended automatically.
> For example these lines:
> #
> # Codegenerator
> #
> # 06049 is the last used one
> #
> % \section{Code generator messages}
> % This section lists all messages that can be displayed if the code
> % generator encounters an error condition.
> % \begin{description}
> cg_e_parasize_too_big=06009_E_Parameter list size exceeds 65535 bytes
> % The I386 processor limits the parameter list to 65535 bytes. (The
> % instruction causes this.)
> If I want to translate the above lines into another language, do I need
to translate the content of the \section line (between the {} bracket)? If
I do, how about some sections that don't have the \section line? There's no
description for such section.

You only need to translate the part after the "=" in those lines that don't
have a LaTeX comment. Because only these texts are used by the compiler.
The part in the comments is only used for the documentation which we
generate in English only. Take a look at the other msg files to see what I

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