[fpc-pascal] Some features for FPC 3.0?

Florian Klämpfl florian at freepascal.org
Wed Feb 18 19:18:03 CET 2015

Am 18.02.2015 um 14:03 schrieb Lukasz Sokol:
>>> I'm actually with Silvio on this 
>> Silvio sets goals but doesn't provide the resources to do so. That is the
>> crucial flaw in such rants.
> Please don't get us wrong, no one says this has to happen now, immediately or OVERNIGHT,
> it's more like if ... could some speedup be considered ...? Pretty please ?

Unlikely, we even cannot keep pace with the bug reports.

> That's from me, ordinary user who lives on stable... 
> No one asks anyone to overstrain themselves really, and for what effect. 
> Only saying, that Linux's approach of the (major) releases happening at lightning speed, compared
> to what they were doing before, seems to also have effect of more exposure to whoever
> wants to participate (and other projects seem to be adopting that approach too), more patches
> and more interested eyeballs. (though probably need for thicker skin sometimes as well)

The linux approach is to dump a source blob onto the user. I would happily change to this model,
unfortunatly we have no distributors like linux who do the boring work for us and package fpc for
~25 platforms.

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