[fpc-pascal] Some features for FPC 3.0?

Sven Barth pascaldragon at googlemail.com
Tue Feb 17 17:41:11 CET 2015

Am 17.02.2015 16:29 schrieb "Bee" <bee.ography at gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> Just got an article about new language features from RO's Oxygene
language. I think some of them might be good to be (considered and)
implemented in FPC v.3.
> http://blogs.remobjects.com/blogs/mh/2015/01/28/p7049
> What do you think? :)

Some features are interesting and are on my own ToDo list (for example
tuples). There will however be no roadmap for these features and more
importantly they won't be part of 3.0, because that version is currently
prepared for release and thus has a feature freeze.

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