[fpc-pascal] Assigning string constant to a WideString and the Format function

Tomas Hajny XHajT03 at hajny.biz
Wed Dec 23 14:12:54 CET 2015

On Wed, December 23, 2015 11:41, Lubos Pintes wrote:

Hello Lubos,

> The result isthe same, I tried it before I wrote my message.
> I even tried to temporarily write ordinal codes of characters, it seems
> that a string is not automatically converted to a WideString when
> assigned, there wereno zeros, like H#0e#0l#0, etc.

If you look at ordinal codes of characters in a WideString using
Ord(WideStringVar[x]), you would never see any zeros, because the ordinal
value represents the character (actually codepoint), not individual bytes.


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