[fpc-pascal] FPC Unicode / CodePage aware strings

Graeme Geldenhuys mailinglists at geldenhuys.co.uk
Thu Dec 10 13:02:31 CET 2015

On 2015-12-10 11:16, Jonas Maebe wrote:
> There is no such thing as "official FPC Unicode". We added support for  
> codepage-aware ansistrings. We added unicodestring overloads for a  

Does the type UnicodeString always mean UTF-16 encoded text (like it's
Delphi counterpart)? If so, that unfortunate.

Can the encoding of UnicodeString be changed to say UTF-8?  And yes, I
know there is a UTF8String type too, but I'm specifically referring to
UnicodeString (as in the Unicode standard supporting multiple
encodings), as many RTL functions seem to use that specific type.

> The test program you posted later does not work completely because it  
> uses routines that have not yet been adapted (UpCase and ToUpper are

OK, so FPC unicode is still far from usable, as some RTL function will
work, and others won't. :-/  With that conclusion, I'll then keep
fpGUI's Unicode support exactly as it currently is.

> It will use whatever code page has been (correctly) configured for  
> your terminal, yes.

Excellent, thanks.

>> As past experience has shown me, the wiki is a very unreliable source -
> Wiki articles that are linked from official release notes are by  
> definition supported and guaranteed to be reliable by us.

Very good to know.

> You seem to be looking for a tutorial. We have written no such  
> document.

Umm, with all the hype around FPC + CodePage-aware AnsiStrings, I would
have thought such a tutorial would be a given with the FPC 3.0 release.
It sure would reduce a lot of questions and confusion.  But as I
mentioned above, maybe it's because the RTL is not really ready for the
new FPC feature, so hence the sparse information out there. [just a thought]

  - Graeme -

My public PGP key:  http://tinyurl.com/graeme-pgp

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