[fpc-pascal] FPC Unicode / CodePage aware strings

Jonas Maebe jonas.maebe at elis.ugent.be
Thu Dec 10 11:29:27 CET 2015

Graeme Geldenhuys wrote on Thu, 10 Dec 2015:

> On 2015-12-10 09:50, Jonas Maebe wrote:
>> http://wiki.freepascal.org/FPC_New_Features_3.0#Support_for_codepage-aware_strings
> Thanks, but here's the problem. The wiki says FPC 3.0 is now Delphi 2009
> string compatible. So I starting reading the "Delphi_and_Unicode.pdf"
> white paper. I tried the first example shown on page 7 (code below):

The language feature is implemented in a Delphi 2009-compatible way  
(although some Delphi-specific behaviour is only activated in {$mode  
delphiunicode}). Not all RTL (let alone Lazarus, like for TMemo)  
support is ready yet. You even explicitly added an example at  

> So already it seems information is missing for FPC usage,

It's all documented on the wiki page you mention below.

> or FPC clearly
> isn't as "delphi compatible" as the wiki makes out to be. Or something
> else went astray.  This is exactly what I'm talking about. It clearly
> doesn't "just work". I'll read the FPC_Unicode_support wiki from top to
> bottom. Maybe that sheds some light.

It is the "white paper [or] blog post" you were asking about.


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