[fpc-pascal] Target Win32 missing

Tomas Hajny XHajT03 at hajny.biz
Mon Dec 7 00:32:27 CET 2015

On Mon, December 7, 2015 00:04, Lukas Gradl wrote:


> When calling fpc from linux command line -Twin32 is missing. -TWin64
> works as expected.
> Where did -Twin32 go?
> I'm using Debian jessie x86_64 as main OS.
> I compile fpc from the latest trunk sources with a script I wrote once.
> Basically it does (among a few other things and platforms):
> make all FPC=/usr/lib/fpc/2.6.4/ppcx64
> sudo make install PREFIX=/usr FPC=/usr/lib/fpc/2.6.4/ppcx64
> make clean
> make crossall CPU_TARGET=i386 OS_TARGET=win32
> sudo make crossinstall CPU_TARGET=i386 OS_TARGET=win32 PREFIX=/usrmake
> clean
> make clean
> make crossall OS_TARGET=win64
> sudo make crossinstall OS_TARGET=win64 PREFIX=/usr
> When calling fpc it shows under section -T
>    -T<x>  Target operating system:
>        -Tdarwin   Darwin/Mac OS X
>        -Tfreebsd  FreeBSD
>        -Tiphonesim  iPhoneSimulator
>        -Tlinux    Linux
>        -Tnetbsd   NetBSD
>        -Topenbsd  OpenBSD
>        -Tsolaris  Solaris
>        -Twin64    Win64 (64 bit Windows systems)
> but no win32. And trying to compile results in "Error: Illegal
> parameter: -Twin32".
> Any hint what I'm doing wrong?

What does '`fpc -Pi386 -PB`' do (the outer quotes should be removed before
copying it to the command line, the inner quotes are there on purpose)?

You need to tell fpc to call compiler for the respective CPU using the
-Pi386 (if it is installed correctly). Then you would see all the targets
supported for i386 listed under -T<x>.


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