[fpc-pascal] fpc.cfg - how to set it so it uses arm embedded as the default target

Justin Smyth delphian at smythconsulting.net
Tue May 20 16:07:09 CEST 2014

I've been thinking about this , I've come up with a solution

I'm going to be using this in lazarus , so in the project options when you
select arm I think you need to be able to select the chip set to be used.

The Chipset can be found by using ppcrossarm.exe -i

That will list the chipset and then  provide fpc / ppcrossarm.exe with

Then I should be able to compile my project in lazarus

-----Original Message-----
From: fpc-pascal-bounces at lists.freepascal.org
[mailto:fpc-pascal-bounces at lists.freepascal.org] On Behalf Of Justin Smyth
Sent: Tuesday, 20 May 2014 11:30 PM
To: 'FPC-Pascal users discussions'
Subject: Re: [fpc-pascal] fpc.cfg - how to set it so it uses arm embedded as
the default target

I get

[0.003] Macro defined: WIN32
[0.003] Macro defined: MSWINDOWS
[0.003] Macro defined: WINDOWS
[0.003] Macro defined: FPC_WINLIKEWIDESTRING [0.003] Macro defined:
[0.003] Macro defined: WIN32 [0.003] Macro defined: FPC [0.003] Macro
defined: VER2 [0.003] Macro defined: VER2_6 [0.003] Macro defined: VER2_6_5
[0.003] Macro defined: RESSTRSECTIONS [0.003] Macro defined:
FPC_HASFIXED64BITVARIANT [0.003] Macro defined:
[0.003] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_VARSETS
[0.003] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_VALGRINDBOOL [0.003] Macro defined:
FPC_HAS_STR_CURRENCY [0.003] Macro defined: FPC_REAL2REAL_FIXED [0.003]
Macro defined: FPC_STRTOCHARARRAYPROC [0.003] Macro defined:
[0.003] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_OPERATOR_ENUMERATOR [0.003] Macro defined:
FPC_HAS_CONSTREF [0.003] Macro defined: FPC_STATICRIPFIXED [0.003] Macro
defined: FPC_HAS_INTERNAL_ABS_LONG [0.003] Macro defined:
FPC_HAS_UNICODESTRING [0.003] Macro defined: FPC_RTTI_PACKSET1 [0.003] Macro
defined: FPC_HAS_CEXTENDED [0.003] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_INTERNAL_ROX
[0.003] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_INTERNAL_SAR [0.003] Macro defined:
FPC_HAS_INTERNAL_BSX [0.003] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_MEMBAR [0.003] Macro
defined: FPC_SETBASE_USED [0.003] Macro defined: INTERNAL_BACKTRACE [0.003]
Macro defined: STR_CONCAT_PROCS [0.003] Macro defined: REGCALL [0.003] Macro
defined: FPC_HAS_FEATURE_SUPPORT [0.003] Macro defined: CPU86 [0.003] Macro
defined: CPU87 [0.003] Macro defined: CPU386 [0.003] Macro defined: CPUI386
[0.003] Macro defined: CPU32 [0.003] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_TYPE_EXTENDED
[0.003] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_TYPE_DOUBLE [0.003] Macro defined:
FPC_HAS_TYPE_SINGLE [0.004] Reading options from file fpc.cfg [0.004] Start
of reading config file fpc.cfg [0.004] interpreting file option "#"
[0.004] interpreting file option "# Config file generated by fpcmkcfg on
18/05/2014 - 23:21:56"
[0.004] interpreting file option "# Example fpc.cfg for Free Pascal
[0.004] interpreting file option "#"
[0.004] interpreting file option "# ----------------------"
[0.004] interpreting file option "# Defines (preprocessor)"
[0.004] interpreting file option "# ----------------------"
[0.004] interpreting file option "#"
[0.004] interpreting file option "# nested #IFNDEF, #IFDEF, #ENDIF, #ELSE,
#DEFINE, #UNDEF are allowed"
[0.004] interpreting file option "#"
[0.004] interpreting file option "# -d is the same as #DEFINE"
[0.004] interpreting file option "# -u is the same as #UNDEF"
[0.004] interpreting file option "#"
[0.004] interpreting file option "#"
[0.004] interpreting file option "# Some examples (for switches see below,
and the -? helppages)"
[0.004] interpreting file option "#"
[0.004] interpreting file option "# Try compiling with the -dRELEASE or
-dDEBUG on the commandline"
[0.004] interpreting file option "#"
[0.004] interpreting file option "# For a release compile with optimizes and
strip debuginfo"
[0.004] interpreting file option "#IFDEF RELEASE"
[0.004] interpreting file option "#WRITE Compiling Release Version"
[0.004] interpreting file option "#ENDIF"
[0.004] interpreting file option "# For a debug version compile with
debuginfo and all codegeneration checks on"
[0.004] interpreting file option "#IFDEF DEBUG"
[0.004] interpreting file option "#WRITE Compiling Debug Version"
[0.004] interpreting file option "#ENDIF"
[0.004] interpreting file option "# assembling"
[0.004] interpreting file option "#ifdef darwin"
[0.004] interpreting file option "# use pipes instead of temporary files for
[0.004] interpreting file option "# path to Xcode 4.3+ utilities (no problem
if it doesn't exist)"
[0.004] interpreting file option "#endif"
[0.004] interpreting file option "# ----------------"
[0.004] interpreting file option "# Parsing switches"
[0.004] interpreting file option "# ----------------"
[0.004] interpreting file option "# Pascal language mode"
[0.004] interpreting file option "#      -Mfpc      free pascal dialect
[0.004] interpreting file option "#      -Mobjfpc   switch some Delphi 2
extensions on"
[0.004] interpreting file option "#      -Mdelphi   tries to be Delphi
[0.006] interpreting file option "#      -Mtp       tries to be TP/BP 7.0
[0.006] interpreting file option "#      -Mgpc      tries to be gpc
[0.006] interpreting file option "#      -Mmacpas   tries to be compatible
to the macintosh pascal dialects"
[0.006] interpreting file option "#"
[0.006] interpreting file option "# Turn on Object Pascal extensions by
[0.006] interpreting file option "#-Mobjfpc"
[0.006] interpreting file option "# Assembler reader mode"
[0.006] interpreting file option "#      -Rdefault  use default assembler"
[0.006] interpreting file option "#      -Ratt      read AT&T style
[0.006] interpreting file option "#      -Rintel    read Intel style
[0.006] interpreting file option "#"
[0.006] interpreting file option "# All assembler blocks are AT&T styled by
[0.006] interpreting file option "#-Ratt"
[0.006] interpreting file option "# Semantic checking"
[0.006] interpreting file option "#      -S2        same as -Mobjfpc"
[0.006] interpreting file option "#      -Sc        supports operators like
C (*=,+=,/= and -=)"
[0.006] interpreting file option "#      -Sa        include assertion code."
[0.006] interpreting file option "#      -Sd        same as -Mdelphi"
[0.006] interpreting file option "#      -Se<x>     error options. <x> is a
combination of the following:"
[0.006] interpreting file option "#         <n> : compiler stops after <n>
errors (default is 1)"
[0.007] interpreting file option "#         w   : compiler stops also after
[0.007] interpreting file option "#         n   : compiler stops also after
[0.007] interpreting file option "#         h   : compiler stops also after
[0.007] interpreting file option "#      -Sg        allow LABEL and GOTO"
[0.007] interpreting file option "#      -Sh        Use ansistrings"
[0.007] interpreting file option "#      -Si        support C++ styled
[0.007] interpreting file option "#      -Sk        load fpcylix unit"
[0.007] interpreting file option "#      -SI<x>     set interface style to
[0.007] interpreting file option "#         -SIcom    COM compatible
interface (default)"
[0.007] interpreting file option "#         -SIcorba  CORBA compatible
[0.007] interpreting file option "#      -Sm        support macros like C
[0.007] interpreting file option "#      -So        same as -Mtp"
[0.007] interpreting file option "#      -Sp        same as -Mgpc"
[0.007] interpreting file option "#      -Ss        constructor name must be
init (destructor must be done)"
[0.007] interpreting file option "#      -Sx        enable exception
keywords (default in Delphi/ObjFPC modes)"
[0.007] interpreting file option "#"
[0.007] interpreting file option "# Allow goto, inline, C-operators, C-vars"
[0.007] Handling option "-Sgic"
[0.007] interpreting option "-Sgic"
[0.007] interpreting file option "# ---------------"
[0.007] interpreting file option "# Code generation"
[0.007] interpreting file option "# ---------------"
[0.007] interpreting file option "# Uncomment the next line if you always
want static/dynamic units by default"
[0.007] interpreting file option "# (can be overruled with -CD, -CS at the
[0.007] interpreting file option "#-CS"
[0.007] interpreting file option "#-CD"
[0.007] interpreting file option "# Set the default heapsize to 8Mb"
[0.007] interpreting file option "#-Ch8000000"
[0.007] interpreting file option "# Set default codegeneration checks
(iocheck, overflow, range, stack)"
[0.007] interpreting file option "#-Ci"
[0.007] interpreting file option "#-Co"
[0.007] interpreting file option "#-Cr"
[0.007] interpreting file option "#-Ct"
[0.007] interpreting file option "# Optimizer switches"
[0.007] interpreting file option "# -Os        generate smaller code"
[0.007] interpreting file option "# -Oa=N      set alignment to N"
[0.007] interpreting file option "# -O1        level 1 optimizations (quick
optimizations, debuggable)"
[0.007] interpreting file option "# -O2        level 2 optimizations (-O1 +
optimizations which make debugging more difficult)"
[0.007] interpreting file option "# -O3        level 3 optimizations (-O2 +
optimizations which also may make the program slower rather than faster)"
[0.007] interpreting file option "# -Oo<x>     switch on optimalization x.
See fpc -i for possible values"
[0.007] interpreting file option "# -OoNO<x>   switch off optimalization x.
See fpc -i for possible values"
[0.007] interpreting file option "# -Op<x>     set target cpu for
optimizing, see fpc -i for possible values"
[0.007] interpreting file option "#ifdef darwin"
[0.007] interpreting file option "#ifdef cpui386"
[0.007] interpreting file option "#endif"
[0.007] interpreting file option "#endif"
[0.007] interpreting file option "# -----------------------"
[0.007] interpreting file option "# Set Filenames and Paths"
[0.007] interpreting file option "# -----------------------"
[0.007] interpreting file option "# Both slashes and backslashes are allowed
in paths"
[0.007] interpreting file option "# path to the messagefile, not necessary
anymore but can be used to override"
[0.007] interpreting file option "# the default language"
[0.007] interpreting file option
[0.007] interpreting file option
[0.007] interpreting file option
[0.007] interpreting file option
[0.007] interpreting file option
[0.007] interpreting file option "# searchpath for units and other system
dependent things"
[0.007] Handling option "-FuC:\LazarusExtras\fpc\2.6.4/units/i386-win32"
[0.007] interpreting option "-FuC:\LazarusExtras\fpc\2.6.4/units/i386-win32"
[0.007] Path "C:\LazarusExtras\fpc\2.6.4\units\i386-win32\" not found
[0.007] Handling option "-FuC:\LazarusExtras\fpc\2.6.4/units/i386-win32/*"
[0.008] interpreting option
[0.009] Path "C:\LazarusExtras\fpc\2.6.4\units\i386-win32\*\" not found
[0.009] Handling option "-FuC:\LazarusExtras\fpc\2.6.4/units/i386-win32/rtl"
[0.009] interpreting option
[0.009] Path "C:\LazarusExtras\fpc\2.6.4\units\i386-win32\rtl\" not found
[0.009] Handling option
[0.009] interpreting option
[0.009] Handling option "-FuC:\LazarusExtras\fpc\2.6.4/compiler/arm"
[0.009] interpreting option "-FuC:\LazarusExtras\fpc\2.6.4/compiler/arm"
[0.009] interpreting file option "#IFDEF FPCAPACHE_1_3"
[0.009] interpreting file option "#ELSE"
[0.009] interpreting file option "#IFDEF FPCAPACHE_2_0"
[0.009] interpreting file option "#ELSE"
[0.009] Handling option
[0.009] interpreting option
[0.010] Path "C:\LazarusExtras\fpc\2.6.4\units\i386-win32\httpd22\" not
found [0.010] interpreting file option "#ENDIF"
[0.010] interpreting file option "#ENDIF"
[0.010] interpreting file option "# searchpath for fppkg user-specific
[0.017] Handling option
[0.017] interpreting option
[0.017] Path
"C:\Users\SSLVPN\AppData\Local\\FreePascal\fppkg\units\i386-win32\*\" not
found [0.017] interpreting file option "# path to the gcclib"
[0.017] interpreting file option "# searchpath for libraries"
[0.018] interpreting file option "#-FlC:\LazarusExtras\fpc\2.6.4/lib"
[0.018] interpreting file option "#-Fl/lib;/usr/lib"
[0.019] Handling option "-FlC:\LazarusExtras\fpc\2.6.4/lib/i386-win32"
[0.019] interpreting option "-FlC:\LazarusExtras\fpc\2.6.4/lib/i386-win32"
[0.019] Path "C:\LazarusExtras\fpc\2.6.4\lib\i386-win32\" not found [0.019]
interpreting file option "# searchpath for tools"
[0.019] Handling option "-FDC:\LazarusExtras\fpc\2.6.4/bin/i386-win32"
[0.019] interpreting option "-FDC:\LazarusExtras\fpc\2.6.4/bin/i386-win32"
[0.019] interpreting file option "#IFNDEF CPUI386"
[0.019] interpreting file option "#IFNDEF CPUAMD64"
[0.019] interpreting file option "#DEFINE NEEDCROSSBINUTILS"
[0.019] interpreting file option "#ENDIF"
[0.019] interpreting file option "#ENDIF"
[0.019] interpreting file option "#IFNDEF Win32"
[0.019] interpreting file option "#DEFINE NEEDCROSSBINUTILS"
[0.019] interpreting file option "#ENDIF"
[0.019] interpreting file option "# binutils prefix for cross compiling"
[0.019] interpreting file option "#IFDEF FPC_CROSSCOMPILING"
[0.019] interpreting file option "#IFDEF NEEDCROSSBINUTILS"
[0.019] interpreting file option "#ENDIF"
[0.019] interpreting file option "#ENDIF"
[0.019] interpreting file option "# -------------"
[0.019] interpreting file option "# Linking"
[0.019] interpreting file option "# -------------"
[0.019] interpreting file option "# generate always debugging information
for GDB (slows down the compiling"
[0.019] interpreting file option "# process)"
[0.020] interpreting file option "#      -gc        generate checks for
[0.020] interpreting file option "#      -gd        use dbx"
[0.020] interpreting file option "#      -gg        use gsym"
[0.020] interpreting file option "#      -gh        use heap trace unit (for
memory leak debugging)"
[0.020] interpreting file option "#      -gl        use line info unit to
show more info for backtraces"
[0.020] interpreting file option "#      -gv        generates programs
tracable with valgrind"
[0.020] interpreting file option "#      -gw        generate dwarf debugging
[0.020] interpreting file option "#"
[0.020] interpreting file option "# Enable debuginfo and use the line info
unit by default"
[0.020] interpreting file option "#-gl"
[0.020] interpreting file option "# always pass an option to the linker"
[0.020] interpreting file option "#-k-s"
[0.020] interpreting file option "# Always strip debuginfo from the
[0.020] Handling option "-Xs"
[0.020] interpreting option "-Xs"
[0.020] interpreting file option "# -------------"
[0.020] interpreting file option "# Miscellaneous"
[0.020] interpreting file option "# -------------"
[0.020] interpreting file option "# Write always a nice FPC logo ;)"
[0.020] Handling option "-l"
[0.020] interpreting option "-l"
[0.020] interpreting file option "# Verbosity"
[0.020] interpreting file option "#      e : Show errors (default)       d :
Show debug info"
[0.020] interpreting file option "#      w : Show warnings               u :
Show unit info"
[0.020] interpreting file option "#      n : Show notes                  t :
Show tried/used files"
[0.020] interpreting file option "#      h : Show hints                  s :
Show time stamps"
[0.020] interpreting file option "#      i : Show general info           q :
Show message numbers"
[0.020] interpreting file option "#      l : Show linenumbers            c :
Show conditionals"
[0.020] interpreting file option "#      a : Show everything             0 :
Show nothing (except errors)"
[0.020] interpreting file option "#      b : Write file names messages   r :
Rhide/GCC compatibility mode"
[0.020] interpreting file option "#          with full path              x :
Executable info (Win32 only)"
[0.020] interpreting file option "#      v : write fpcdebug.txt with     p :
Write tree.log with parse tree"
[0.020] interpreting file option "#          lots of debugging info"
[0.020] interpreting file option "#"
[0.020] interpreting file option "# Display Info, Warnings and Notes"
[0.020] Handling option "-viwn"
[0.020] interpreting option "-viwn"
[0.020] interpreting file option "# If you don't want so much verbosity use"
[0.020] interpreting file option "#-vw"
[0.020] End of reading config file fpc.cfg [0.020] Handling option "-va"
[0.020] interpreting option "-va"
[0.020] Handling option "myprogram.pp"
[0.020] found source file name "myprogram.pp"
[0.020] Macro defined: ENDIAN_LITTLE
[0.020] Macro defined: FPC_LITTLE_ENDIAN [0.020] Macro defined:
FPC_ABI_DEFAULT [0.020] Free Pascal Compiler version 2.6.5 [2014/05/19] for
i386 [0.020] Copyright (c) 1993-2012 by Florian Klaempfl and others [0.020]
Path "C:\LazarusExtras\fpc\2.6.4\rtl\i386-win32\" not found [0.020] Macro
defined: CPUPENTIUM [0.020] Macro defined: FPUX87 [0.020] Macro defined:
FPC_HAS_TYPE_EXTENDED [0.020] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_TYPE_SINGLE [0.020]
Macro defined: FPC_HAS_TYPE_DOUBLE [0.020] Macro defined: FPC_LINK_STATIC
[0.020] Macro FPC_VERSION set to 2 [0.020] Macro FPC_RELEASE set to 6
[0.020] Macro FPC_PATCH set to 5 [0.020] Macro FPC_FULLVERSION set to 20605
[0.020] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_FEATURE_HEAP [0.020] Macro defined:
[0.020] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_FEATURE_CLASSES [0.020] Macro defined:
[0.020] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_FEATURE_ANSISTRINGS [0.020] Macro defined:
[0.020] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_FEATURE_CONSOLEIO [0.020] Macro defined:
Macro defined: FPC_HAS_FEATURE_VARIANTS [0.022] Macro defined:
[0.022] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_FEATURE_THREADING [0.022] Macro defined:
[0.022] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_FEATURE_STACKCHECK [0.022] Macro defined:
[0.022] Macro defined: FPC_HAS_FEATURE_OBJECTIVEC1 [0.022] Macro defined:
[0.022] Compiler OS: Win32 for i386
[0.022] Target OS: Win32 for i386
[0.022] Using executable path: C:\LazarusExtras\fpc\2.6.4\bin\arm-embedded\
[0.022] Using unit path: C:\LazarusExtras\fpc\2.6.4\compiler\arm\
[0.022] Using unit path:
[0.022] Using unit path: .\
[0.022] Using library path: C:\LazarusExtras\fpc\2.6.4\compiler\arm\
[0.022] Using library path:
[0.022] Using library path: .\
[0.022] Using object path: C:\LazarusExtras\fpc\2.6.4\compiler\arm\
[0.022] Using object path:
[0.022] Using object path: .\
[0.022] Compiling myprogram.pp
[0.022] Searching file myprogram.pp... found [0.022] Registering new unit
SYSTEM [0.023] Load from PROGRAM (implementation) unit SYSTEM [0.024]
Loading unit SYSTEM [0.024] Unitsearch: system.ppu [0.024] Unitsearch:
system.pp [0.024] Unitsearch: system.pas [0.024] Unitsearch:
[0.024] Unitsearch: C:\LazarusExtras\fpc\2.6.4\compiler\arm\system.pp
[0.024] Unitsearch: C:\LazarusExtras\fpc\2.6.4\compiler\arm\system.pas
[0.024] Unitsearch:
[0.024] PPU Loading
[0.024] PPU Name:
[0.024] PPU Invalid Version 169
[0.024] Unitsearch:
[0.024] Unitsearch:
[0.024] Unitsearch: system.ppu
[0.024] Unitsearch: system.pp
[0.024] Unitsearch: system.pas
[0.025] Unitsearch: system.pp
[0.025] Unitsearch: system.pas
[0.025] Unitsearch: C:\LazarusExtras\fpc\2.6.4\compiler\arm\system.pp
[0.026] Unitsearch: C:\LazarusExtras\fpc\2.6.4\compiler\arm\system.pas
[0.026] Unitsearch:
[0.026] Unitsearch:
[0.026] Unitsearch: system.pp
[0.026] Unitsearch: system.pas
[0.026] Can't find unit system used by Program [0.026] Compilation aborted
Error: C:\LazarusExtras\fpc\2.6.4\bin\arm-embedded\ppc386.exe returned an
error exitcode (normal if you did not specify a source file to be compiled)

-----Original Message-----
From: Jonas Maebe [mailto:jonas.maebe at elis.ugent.be]
Sent: Tuesday, 20 May 2014 10:49 PM
To: delphian at smythconsulting.net; FPC-Pascal users discussions
Subject: Re: [fpc-pascal] fpc.cfg - how to set it so it uses arm embedded as
the default target

On 20 May 2014, at 14:32, Justin Smyth wrote:

> I've got fpc to compile in a dos box for Arm Embedded using this 
> script
> fpc -Parm -Tembedded -WpLPC1343FBD48 -Cparmv7m myprogram.pp
> how do it get the above commands into fpc.cfg ?
> so I can just type fpc myprogram.pp

On Windows, create a file called fpc.cfg in your "USERPROFILE"  
directory (can see what it is by typing "echo %USERPROFILE%" in a command
line window) with the following contents:

#include \path\to\default\fpc.cfg

The default fpc.cfg is located in the same directory as fpc.exe.


fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal at lists.freepascal.org

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