[fpc-pascal] Armv7 fpc openocd v8
Michael Ring
mail at michael-ring.org
Mon May 19 10:41:19 CEST 2014
I have sent you the header files via pm, there is only minor improvement
to what is currently checked in, i mixed the lpc header files up with
the stm header files, there I did more work.
Am 19.05.14 04:39, schrieb Justin Smyyth:
> if you have an updated version of lpc13xx.pp ( I wrote the orginal)
> that would be good.
> I would prob re check the C# i had for the nxp lpc 1343 chip agaist
> this file , now i can target the board i can see if i get any errors.(
> also check the specs to make sure its right too ).
> A bit of work . thats ok
> Justin
> ps delphian at smythconsulting & justin at smythconsulting.net both route to me
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Ring <mail at michael-ring.org>
> To: FPC-Pascal users discussions <fpc-pascal at lists.freepascal.org>
> Date: Sat, 17 May 2014 10:35:58 +0200
> Subject: Re: [fpc-pascal] Armv7 fpc openocd v8
> First step would be to visit
> http://wiki.freepascal.org/TARGET_Embedded
> This page helps to set up basic things like cross toolchain for
> arm and to compile trunk of fpc.
> Once you have worked through this you are ready to go.
> ppcrossarm -i should give you a list of available controllers,
> when you use trunk you should see:
> LPC1343FBD48 and LPC1343FHN33 in the list of supported controllers.
> When you have followed the steps of the instructions you have also
> checked out latest FPC from trunk, you should now make yourself
> familiar with the file ./rtl/embedded/arm/lpc13xx.pp, this file
> holds all the register information.
> If you want I can send you a newer version of this file, it also
> includes translations of most of the #defines of the original
> header files, but for learning first steps the checked in version
> is perhaps easier, it is not that big.
> Now you are ready to compile your first hello.pas, this is the
> commandline that I usually use:
> ppcrossarm -MObjFPC -Ch1024 -Cs1024 -Tembedded -Parm -vi -Cparmv7m
> -WpLPC1343FBD48 -XParm-none-eabi- hello.pas
> When you use objects you need to initialize the heap, change -Ch
> (Heapsize) and -Cs (Stacksize) to your needs. -vi give you info
> about code and data size.
> arm-none-eabi- is the prefix of your binutils binaries for cross
> compiling, if they are not in you path you can also put the full
> path in the commandline, but remember to only use the prefix.
> something like /usr/local/bin/arm-none-eabi- will work,
> C:\tools\bin\arm-none-aebi- should also work
> For debugging you need gdb compiled as a cross debugger, I built
> my own gdb to support text UI, so --tui brings you into a basic
> GUI inside of gdb, without this you end up in plain gdb commandline.
> arm-none-eabi-gdb hello.elf --tui --eval-command="target extended
> :3333" --eval-command="monitor reset halt" --eval-command="set mem
> inaccessible-by-default off" --eval-command="load"
> After this you are ready to debug.
> I have written an integration into lazarus looooong time ago, not
> sure if it still compiles after the huge changes thst Martin did
> in the last months, once you have everything up and running so far
> we can work on the integration into lazarus.
> Michael
> Am 17.05.14 01:33, schrieb Justin Smyth:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I have recently got open ocd v8 to talk to my nxp lpc 1343 via a
>> stlinkv2 , should fpc ( 2.6.4 or higher support this type of CPU
>> and does anyone have any ideas how to hook up gdb to openocd ? I
>> am thinking of using Lazarus to step through some code if possible)
>> Justin
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