[fpc-pascal] Error compile library on Linux.

Fabio Luis Girardi fluisgirardi at gmail.com
Mon Mar 24 23:52:55 CET 2014

You recompiled the FPC? Or simple change of fpc.cfg options solves your

2014-03-22 21:55 GMT-03:00 Fred van Stappen <fiens at hotmail.com>:

> >> Works fine for me if I compile everything with those parameters
> >> (and -trunk) I assume you compiled with the build.sh and then
> >> didn't clean up properly when you started adding parameters,
> >> thus leaving units compiled without the pic params.
> Hello.
> I have re-created a new fpc.cfg and now...
> it compiles and works perfectly in Linux 64 with fpc 2.6.2 and 2.7.1 !
> Fantastique...
> Here, demo of fpGUI library with Python (Windows 32 and Linux 64)
> => All is working, (even Style Manager, onClick, form-state, etc,...).
> You only need to have Python installed.
> Run the Python script and see...
> => https://sites.google.com/site/biotray/fpGUIlib_py.zip
> PS : Many thanks to help and, once again, viva fpc ;-)
> PS2 : What a marvelous prove, with fpGUI library, that fpc is the Master.
> PS3 : Im very, very, very happy. Tetra thanks.
> Fred
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The best regards,

Fabio Luis Girardi
PascalSCADA Project
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