[fpc-pascal] FPC + Mobile development: the String type

Sven Barth pascaldragon at googlemail.com
Thu Jul 10 14:39:14 CEST 2014

Am 10.07.2014 13:19 schrieb "leledumbo" <leledumbo_cool at yahoo.co.id>:
> > IMHO a substituting bad with worse is not a good reason. Java/CIL needs
> this
> > because its strings are immutable, and character access is expensive. We
> > don't share, nor plan to share that trait.
> I hope so, and with Delphi plans on making strings immutable in the
> I hope FPC doesn't follow. Otherwise, simple string concatenation loop
> need to be changed to use string buffers, which makes it more error prone,
> more typing and more resource eating.

If at all such changes (including having ZeroBasedStrings on by default)
would be bundled in a new mode... Afterall they don't really affect cross
unit code.

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