[fpc-pascal] How to eliminate specific hint

Sven Barth pascaldragon at googlemail.com
Fri Jan 3 19:26:47 CET 2014

Am 03.01.2014 13:23 schrieb "Jürgen Hestermann" <juergen.hestermann at gmx.de>:
> Am 2014-01-03 12:07, schrieb Sven Barth:
> > Maybe one should also mention that this can be done in code as well for
specific locations:
> > === code begin ===
> > {$push}
> > {$warn 5058 off}
> > // whatever
> > {$pop}
> > === code end ===
> It seems it can be made still easier by right-clicking on the message
> in the message window and by selecting "Hide message via directive".
> Then a {%H-} is appended to the variable that caused the message
> which does not add additional lines of code.

This only works inside Lazarus and only tells the IDE to ignore hints from
that position (roughly). If you compile on the command line the hint will
resurface. Also it does not seem that one is able to control which type of
hint is hidden.

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