[fpc-pascal] TSortedCollection dupes ordering

Frederic Da Vitoria davitofrg at gmail.com
Tue Feb 4 23:16:46 CET 2014

2014-02-04 waldo kitty <wkitty42 at windstream.net>:

> On 2/4/2014 3:28 PM, Jim Leonard wrote:
>> On 2/4/2014 1:40 PM, waldo kitty wrote:
>>> i have a TSortedCollection that i'm allowing duplicate keys to be
>>> inserted in... the problem that i'm having is that the duplicate keys
>>> are in reverse order from how they were inserted...
>> Sounds like your TSortedCollection.Compare() needs additional logic.  It
>> isn't
>> doing enough comparisons internally to order things properly.
> possibly... i dunno... currently it compares the (pstring) keys only... i
> thought about trying to also include a second field (a double) which is
> used for the "time stamp" but i don't know how to do that without having to
> use the key and this "time stamp" field every time i do anything with the
> records...
>  i am overriding MyCollection^.Insert because i have additional tasks
>>> that need to be done at the time of insertion... without duplicate keys,
>> Wouldn't it be better to perform your additional tasks before the
>> insertion,
>> then call a normal .Insert?  Why overload something if there isn't really
>> a need
>> to?
> i kinda thought about that earlier when i was digging thru the code...
> IIRC, insert was overridden because there are cases where the existing
> record needs to be replaced (because the new record is newer) using AtPut
> and the non-added records must be logged and their reason for not being
> added (older or same)...

Just a quick idea which could be completely wrong, but wouldn't it solve
your issue if Compare always returned -1 instead of 0?

Frederic Da Vitoria

Membre de l'April - « promouvoir et défendre le logiciel libre » -
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