[fpc-pascal] MSSQL and ftAutoInc: FPC 2.6.5 changes the behavior of 2.6.2 but AutoInc not works yet

LacaK lacak at zoznam.sk
Fri Apr 25 07:46:23 CEST 2014

Do you have tried for ftAutoInc field simply set ReadOnly:=False; ?
P.S. there is feature request about automatic fetching of new values of 
idnetity columns, but implementing it in generic way for all supported 
SQLConnections is not trivial ;-)

> Hi,
> I'm using 2.6.5 (fixes_2_6) now but something broke between 2.6.2 and
> 2.6.5 using AutoInc fields.
> AutoInc never worked well (at least for MSSQL) and because that I have
> my own "Query" [1] that implements AutoInc values very well.
> I override the ApplyRecUpdate method from TSQLQuery and update the
> AutoInc field getting the value in DB using FLib.GetLastAutoIncValue
> method that, for MSSQL, I use "select scope_identity() as id" (see
> code below)
> The problem is to use Field.SetData to put a value. If the field is
> AutoInc it is ReadOnly too and I got a exception:
>       Edit;
>       Fields[I].SetData(@LastId);
>       Post;
> But in 2.6.2 version it worked.
> I need to know the ID (identity column). So, if the behavior was
> changed between 2.6.5 and 2.6.2, then the AutoInc fields needs to
> works too, no?
> Now, how I can get the ID using AutoInc, please?
> === BEGIN CODE ===
> procedure TghSQLdbQuery.ApplyRecUpdate(UpdateKind: TUpdateKind);
> var
>   I: Integer;
>   LastId: NativeInt;
>   Fld: TField;
> begin
>   inherited;
>   if UpdateKind <> ukInsert then
>     Exit;
>   for I := 0 to Fields.Count -1 do
>   begin
>     Fld := Fields.Fields[I] 
>     if Fld.IsNull and
>        ((Fld.DataType = ftAutoInc) or (LowerCase(Fld.FieldName) =
> 'id') and (Fld is TNumericField)) then
>     begin
>       La   stId=FLib.GetLastAutoIncValue 
>       if LastId <= 0 then
>         Exit;
>       Edit;
>       Fields[I].SetData(@LastId);
>       Post;
>       Exit;
>     end;
>   end;
> end;
> === END CODE ===
> [1] https://github.com/mdbs99/Greyhound
> Regards,
> Marcos Douglas
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