[fpc-pascal] How to remove verbose compiler output

Graeme Geldenhuys mailinglists at geldenhuys.co.uk
Sat Apr 5 13:29:05 CEST 2014

On 2014-04-05 11:48, Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
> maybe it's loading some config file anyway.
> Do a strace and see if it opens a config file.

'strace' is not available/supported by 64-bit FreeBSD (only 32-bit
FreeBSD). But I did remember that FPC has a very verbose output option.
Amazingly that -v parameter did make FPC output more details - so at
least FPC does seem to read my -v options (at least some of them).

Here is a very small snippet of what I got from using the -vav parameter.

[0.000] Macro defined: CPUAMD64
[0.000] Macro defined: CPU64
[0.000] Configfile search: /home/graemeg/.fpc.cfg
[0.000] Reading options from file /home/graemeg/.fpc.cfg
[0.000] Start of reading config file /home/graemeg/.fpc.cfg
[0.000] interpreting file option "#"
[0.000] interpreting file option "# Example fpc.cfg for Free Pascal

That is the only config file it found and loaded. That config file
contains a -v- option, but even removing that option completely makes no

Could this be a bug in the FreeBSD version of FPC? That some of the -v
options simply don't work under FreeBSD?

Could somebody else with FreeBSD access test the -v parameter? That way
we can confirm if it is something odd on my system (and I'll keep
searching), or a general FPC issue.

> secondly: There is no {$HINTS ON} or so in the sources ?

I never use that option inside units. But to made double sure, I just
did a search, and can confirm no such directive exists in any of the
source code I'm trying to compile.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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