[fpc-pascal] how to speed up lazarus compilation and debugging

Graeme Geldenhuys graeme at geldenhuys.co.uk
Mon Sep 30 19:53:10 CEST 2013

On 30/09/13 17:33, md at rpzdesign.com wrote:
> Linux Fedora 14 x64 fully boots from power on in 30 seconds.

Umm, my Ubuntu 12.04 used to boot in around 8 seconds from power on. I
used a 450MB/s read/write SSD drive with an i7 CPU. :)

These days boot times don't mean much to me, as my FreeBSD system [my
development machine] runs 24/7.

As for Delphi vs FPC compiling speed. The newer Delphi compilers are
slower than D5 & D7... Why? Because those old Delphi compilers only
targeted one platform, and they could optimise the crap out of it
because they hand no cross-platform worries.

FPC is written with easy maintenance and extensibility in mind. So
obviously you will take a small performance hit. I think that is a
reasonable trade-off.

Either way, I still don't think FPC is slow - compared to other
compilers like GCC, Java etc. Also, 90% of the time FPC only needs to
compile the actual units that changed - while you are developing your
project. So in such cases, I think compile time is nice and fast.

Just my 2ยข worth.


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