[fpc-pascal] sizeof(Enumerated type in Delphi 5) <> sizeof(The same type in FPC)

Dennis Poon dennis at avidsoft.com.hk
Mon Sep 30 14:18:32 CEST 2013

In Delphi 5,
   G  : TAutoRefreshFlag;

//where type TAutoRefreshFlag = (arNone, arAutoInc, arDefault);

sizeof(G)  returns 1

in FPC
if defined
   type TAutoRefreshFlag = (arNone, arAutoInc, arDefault);

and same
   Var G : TAutoRefreshFlag;

sizeof(G) returns 4.

This different behaviour break some code when I port them from Delphi 5 
to FPC.

Is there a compiler directive I can do to ensure compatibility?


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