[fpc-pascal] how to directly access field/record value of TBufDataSet?

Dennis Poon dennis at avidsoft.com.hk
Mon Sep 30 14:14:53 CEST 2013

>> Also, how do I use the     procedure LoadFromStream(AStream : 
>> TStream; Format: TDataPacketFormat = dfAny)?
>> Especially, I don't understand the TDataPacketFormat parameter.
> Using Format parameter you can signal to DatapacketReader in which 
> format expect data (dfBinary, dfXML etc)
> It is not required , when not set there is procedure which tests 
> "incoming" data using RecognizeStream method and select those 
> DatapacketReader, which is able handle "incoming" data.
> In other words each registered DataPacketReader is able say if is able 
> handle data in stream or not.
> (examines begining of stream and looks for own "format identification")
> -Laco.
Let me clarify.  How do I SaveToStream from another TDataset descendant 
and LoadFromStream in TBufdataSet?

I am trying to call SaveToStream from some Delphi TDataset Descendent to 
to be loaded by FPC's TBufdataSet.LoadFromStream.  How should I do it?

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