[fpc-pascal] Re: StrUtils.RomanToInt oddities

Alberto Narduzzi albertonarduzzi at yahoo.com
Mon Sep 23 23:34:45 CEST 2013

>> Are you sure regarding M considering there is no symbol for 5000? Or
>> didn't Romans count to more than 5000 - 1?

yes I am. as 5000 - 1 would need to be written MMMMCMXCIX, which has the 
4-M-in-a-row, that is invalid, as a maximum of three is allowed.

Yes, probably ancient Romans had no need to count more that 3999 
Sestertiae ;-)

> I don't believe though Romans knew negative numbers.
> But I'm certainly not an expert on the matter.

never though about, but if the only matter is DEBT, then just write 
positive numbers under the DEBT column, and everybody shall be happy 
too, provided they know the meaning of such a column ;-)

Have no clue of roman arithmetics, thou', which looks a little more 
weird to implement, or just to think about :-O


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