[fpc-pascal] Argument evaluation order in Free Pascal and Delphi

Sven Barth pascaldragon at googlemail.com
Thu Oct 31 10:47:29 CET 2013

Am 31.10.2013 09:45, schrieb Michael Schnell:
> On 10/28/2013 02:47 PM, Dmitry Pribysh wrote:
>> As it is written in Free Pascal wiki 
>> <http://wiki.freepascal.org/Code_Conversion_Guide#Order_of_parameter_evaluation>, 
>> order of parameter evaluation is not defined in FPC, but it is 
>> defined in Delphi (Delphi guarantees left-to-right evaluation order).
> IMHO =in fact evaluation of a parameter should not be guaranteed at all.
> The compiler should be free to inline a function, detect that the 
> parameter is not necessary for the evaluation of the function result 
> and drop the evaluation of the parameter (maybe giving a warning or 
> error message if that might trigger side-effects).
1. FPC does not guarantee evaluation order exactly for this reason
2. The compiler already does this inlining already in that way (at least 
Take this code:

=== code begin ===

program tinlinetest;

{$mode objfpc}

function GetStr1: String; inline;
   Result := 'Hello World';

function GetStr2: String;
   Result := 'Hello World';

function Test(aArg1: Integer; aArg2: String): Integer; inline;
   Result := aArg1 * 42;

   Writeln(Test(42, 'Hello World'));
   Writeln(Test(42, GetStr1));
   Writeln(Test(42, GetStr2));

=== code end ===

this will produce this output in the main function (2.7.1 and compiled 
with -O2):

=== assembler begin ===

.globl    _main
# Temps allocated between esp+0 and esp+512
# [20] begin
     pushl    %ebx
     addl    $-512,%esp
# [21] Writeln(Test(42, 'Hello World'));
   // No usage of 'Hello World' constant here
     call    fpc_get_output
     movl    %eax,%ebx
     movl    %ebx,%edx
     movl    $1764,%ecx
     movl    $0,%eax
     call    fpc_write_text_sint
     call    FPC_IOCHECK
     movl    %ebx,%eax
     call    fpc_writeln_end
     call    FPC_IOCHECK
# [22] Writeln(Test(42, GetStr1));
   // here this might be a bug... the compiler inlines GetStr1, but does 
not detect that its result is constant and not used...
     call    fpc_get_output
     movl    %eax,%ebx
     movl    $_$TINLINETEST$_Ld1,%ecx
     leal    256(%esp),%eax
     movl    $255,%edx
     call    fpc_shortstr_to_shortstr
     leal    256(%esp),%ecx
     movl    %esp,%eax
     movl    $255,%edx
     call    fpc_shortstr_to_shortstr
     movl    $1764,%ecx
     movl    %ebx,%edx
     movl    $0,%eax
     call    fpc_write_text_sint
     call    FPC_IOCHECK
     movl    %ebx,%eax
     call    fpc_writeln_end
     call    FPC_IOCHECK
# [23] Writeln(Test(42, GetStr2));
   // here it can not inline GetStr2, because it can not detect whether 
GetStr2 is sideeffect free
     call    fpc_get_output
     movl    %eax,%ebx
     leal    256(%esp),%eax
     leal    256(%esp),%ecx
     movl    %esp,%eax
     movl    $255,%edx
     call    fpc_shortstr_to_shortstr
     movl    $1764,%ecx
     movl    %ebx,%edx
     movl    $0,%eax
     call    fpc_write_text_sint
     call    FPC_IOCHECK
     movl    %ebx,%eax
     call    fpc_writeln_end
     call    FPC_IOCHECK
# [24] end.
     call    FPC_DO_EXIT
     addl    $512,%esp
     popl    %ebx

=== assembler end ===

So case 2 could be improved a bit.
And for case 3 it might be interesting to have the compiler mark 
functions with additional flags to check whether they are e.g. 
"constant" or access memory (aside from parameters) in a writing way, 
etc. This *might* improve some optimizations...

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