[fpc-pascal] Re: SqlDB fails under Windows to create a new Firebird database
Michael Van Canneyt
michael at freepascal.org
Wed Oct 30 13:58:51 CET 2013
On Wed, 30 Oct 2013, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
> Hi,
> I created a very simple little application that takes 2 parameters, then creates a empty FDB (firebird) database, then runs 4
> script files to populate the database with default tables and data.
> This little console application works perfectly under Linux and FreeBSD, but fails under Windows. Currently testing with
> Win2000 (32-bit).
> Here is the code that causes the AV.
> -----------------------
> procedure TMyApplication.CreateEmptyDatabase;
> var
> LHost: string;
> LDBName: string;
> n: integer;
> begin
> n := Pos(':', FDBLocation);
> LHost := Copy(FDBLocation, 1, n-1);
> LDBName := Copy(FDBLocation, n+1, Length(FDBLocation)-n);
> conn := TIBConnection.Create(self);
> conn.Dialect := 3;
> conn.HostName := LHost;
> conn.DatabaseName := LDBName;
> conn.UserName := 'sysdba';
> conn.Password := 'masterkey';
> writeln('Creating database... ', conn.HostName + ':' + conn.DatabaseName);
> conn.CreateDB;
> conn.Connected := True; // <<------- This causes the AV under Windows
> end;
> -----------------------
> Here is the console output of when I run the program.
> -----------------------
> c:\programming\m2_system\Scripts>makedb -d '\programming\data\m2_dl_3019.fdb'
> Creating database... '\programming\data\m2_dl_3019.fdb'
> exception at 00431BD8:
> : CreateDB :
> -I/O error during "open" operation for file ""
> -database or file exists.
> -----------------------
That is an interbase error. It clearly states what the problem is :)
However, it is strange that the CreateDB() does not catch this error.
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