[fpc-pascal] Re: [Bulk] Re: Namespaces Support

Martin Schreiber mse00000 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 29 06:01:03 CET 2013

On Tuesday 29 October 2013 02:48:33 Dmitry Boyarintsev wrote:
> P.S. Offtopic: I personally find it horrible to call a unit "classes" (it's
> fine for RTL, since it's started this way, but any other library - it is
> horrible). Nobody calls their units like "functions" or
> "functionsandprodures" (though I think I saw unit "funcs" one day), It is
> better to give more accurate name of the unit functionality: StrLists,
> UnicodeUtils, FileUtls, DateUtils.

mseclasses unit is the unit of tmsecomponent class which extends the FPC 
TComponent with object linking facilities and the like and is base of all 
MSEgui components. Before forking of FPC classes unit it also included the 
code for workarounds.
But agreed, classes unit should be split into smaller functional units. 
Although then it would not be possible anymore to have so much private 
elements as now and to make the life of the toolkit producers so much more 
difficult. ;-)


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