[fpc-pascal] Namespaces Support

Marcos Douglas md at delfire.net
Sun Oct 27 17:18:46 CET 2013

On Sun, Oct 27, 2013 at 12:04 PM, Fabrício Srdic
<fabricio.srdic at gmail.com> wrote:
> 2013/10/27 Marco van de Voort <marcov at stack.nl>
>> In our previous episode, Marcos Douglas said:
>> > > Namespaces are only for pseudo hierarchical disambiguation of unit
>> > > names in
>> > > Pascal.
>> >
>> > Very true. I agree with everything.
>> > BUT, IMHO, the only problem is if you have two 3rd frameworks that use
>> > the same unit name. In that case I can not add 2 units with the same
>> > name in my project. So, only in that case, we could use 'namespaces'
>> > to 'rename' these units only for use in our projects without change
>> > the original source.
>> In theory yes, in practice no, since that would be incompatible with
>> anything below XE2+ (and most commercial component builders still support
>> D7).
>> As with any feature, there are people that already design it in after the
>> first beta, but it will be rare, very rare, in the wild.
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> Namespace address this problem, but as the Marco said, not to anything below
> XE2.

As Dmitry Boyarintsev wrote -- as Marco said before:
Adding "features" just because "enterpise-class dev platforms" have
them is more marketing move, than actual technical need.

Pascal do not need 'namespaces' like Java or .NET have. Units are
namespaces. Point. But I think, IMHO, that missing something to the
design be perfect: "rename unit virtually"
We already had many discussions about it on this list, but nothing is
good enough and/or nobody have time to implement it; or nobody agrees.

I think it was Graeme Geldenhuys wrote this page:

Marcos Douglas

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