[fpc-pascal] "identifier not found" case probelm

Ewald ewald at yellowcouch.org
Sun Nov 10 16:17:49 CET 2013

Once upon a time, rambo waz here said:
> at the moment i have a case where each choice leads off to a procedure. ..
> looks like this
> repeat
>     writeln('Main Menu');
>     writeln('1. New Customer Info');
>     writeln('2. Withdrawal');
>     writeln('3. Returns');
>     writeln('4. Money owed by customer');
>     writeln('5. Quit the Program');
>     readln(menu_choice);
>     if menu_choice in [1..5]
>     then case menu_choice of 1: new_customer;
>                              2: withdraw;
>                              3: returns;
>                              4: money_owed;
>                              5: writeln('stop')
>                              end
>     else writeln('1..5!")
>     until choice = 5           
> but when i try to run it it comes up with an error saying "identifier not
> found" and highlights each of the case choices .. i.e. 3: returns;
> ...................... any help ? :( :( :(
And where exactly are these functions (`returns`, `withdraw`, etc...)
defined? I can't see them either by looking at your code... Perhaps a
minimal working example would be handy?


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