[fpc-pascal] Over-zealous Warning about dynamic string initialization

Jonas Maebe jonas.maebe at elis.ugent.be
Fri Nov 1 18:34:28 CET 2013

On 01/11/13 17:57, Howard Page-Clark wrote:
> var
>    s:ansistring;
> begin
>    WriteLn('s <',s,'> always seems to be initialized to ''''');
> end.
> produces a Warning
> Warning: Variable "s" does not seem to be initialized
> Can this Warning be disabled for compiler-managed variables?

The point of the warning is that you did not assign a value to the 
variable, not necessarily that the contents are unknown. You get the 
same warning for global variables if you only use them in a main 
program. Removing unnecessarily assigning an empty string to such values 
would be a job for the compiler (which it currently does not yet do).


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