[fpc-pascal] Powtils: lightwebserver, lightwebserver2 or lightwebserver3?

Graeme Geldenhuys graeme at geldenhuys.co.uk
Fri Nov 1 07:52:14 CET 2013

Hi Juha,

On Thursday 31/10/2013 at 21:43, Juha Manninen  wrote:
> Out of curiosity, how is its performance compared to Indy based web 
> server.

The Embedded Web Server is only used for a "single user" product, 
which learners can buy on a DVD and install at home. So the load on 
that web server is actually very low.

Our "full system" is installed in learning centres (Schools and Master 
Maths/Science centres) with anything from 10-60+ concurrent users. For 
that we use Apache Web Server.

Both products actually use the exact same CGI executables - one 
product simply talks to an embedded web server application and 
accesses an Embedded Firebird Database, and the other product talks to 
Apache and a full scale Firebird Database Server. The CGI client apps 
are implemented with Powtils because we simply couldn't get fcl-web 
based CGI apps to work in our environment (where our Adobe Flash 
content needs to load external resources, and that always failed with 
fcl-web for some still unknown reason). Our business objects, data 
access components and data persistence are all handled by the tiOPF 
framework. We only use the Free Pascal compiler (no Delphi). Desktop 
GUI apps are based on fpGUI Toolkit.

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