[fpc-pascal] Compiler bug with managed type not being initialized correctly

Paul Ishenin paul.ishenin at gmail.com
Sat May 18 16:13:41 CEST 2013

18.05.13, 9:41, Anthony Walter wrote:

> I just filed a bug having to do with a managed type (I am using an
> interface in my code) not being properly initialized when stored in a
> record's private section:
> http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=24447

I tested the given example and I can't see any error. Although I tested 
on win32 platform.

Please compile RTL with debug information and try to debug 
fpc_Initialize routine from rtti.inc.

During the testing of your example I see that it executes on each enter 
to Test1 and Test2:

1. It steps into tkRecord case of fpc_initialize and then enters to 
2. In recordrtti Count = 1 (1 managed field), so it executes the 
for-loop body 1 time.
3. In for loop it enters rttiproc = fpc_initialize with Offset = 0 and 
TypeInfo of tkInterface.
4. In fpc_initialize it assignes nil to Data (interface field).

If in your case you see something else please reply to this mail or to 
the bug tracker.

Best regards,
Paul Ishenin

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