[fpc-pascal] Windows on ARM, how fast it can be implemented?

Noah Silva shiruba at galapagossoftware.com
Wed Mar 27 01:22:01 CET 2013


Well windows has only about 1.5% of the tablet market, and its doubtful if
that will grow - plus, as mentioned, it's closed by design.  Then again,
Apple's app store is restricted, and fpc supports that.

Thank you,
    Noah Silva
2013/03/27 4:15 "Max Vlasov" <max.vlasov at gmail.com>:

> Thanks for the info, Sven. I will probably have a chance to get a device
> and jailbreak it, although not right now. If someone on the list does this
> before me, I'll be glad. I did not find any prior discussion about this
> topic, seems like it's not that hot to be discussed and everything.
> Max
> On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 8:05 PM, Sven Barth <pascaldragon at googlemail.com>wrote:
>> Am 26.03.2013 15:01 schrieb "Max Vlasov" <max.vlasov at gmail.com>:
>> That said it mostly depends on how much Microsoft changed their existing
>> ARM compiler. If the changes are minimal for the purpose of user space
>> applications then it should be rather easy to adjust the Win32 target for
>> this. The biggest problem might be unaligned accesses in the Win32 RTL
>> code, but AFAIK newer ARMs can handle these...
>> If you own a Windows RT device and are willing to jailbreak it, I could
>> try to hack arm-win32 support together for you to test, but finegrained bug
>> fixing (if the port should indeed work) needs to be done by someone owning
>> the device.
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