[fpc-pascal] HMAC_SHA1 and FPC

Anthony Walter sysrpl at gmail.com
Tue Mar 26 04:18:39 CET 2013

I use OpenSSL for this stuff, which can be compiled directly into your

{$ifdef windows}
// optionally link library into the project
{$define static}

{$ifdef static}
  {$define libssl := external}
  {$define libeay := external}
  {$ifdef unix}
  {$define libssl := external 'libssl.so'}
  {$define libeay := external 'libssl.so'}
  {$define libssl := external 'libssl32.dll'}
    {$define libeay := external 'libeay32.dll'}

function SSL_library_init: Integer; cdecl; libssl;
procedure SSL_load_error_strings; cdecl; libssl;
function SSLv23_client_method: TSSLMethod; cdecl; libssl;
function SSL_CTX_new(method: TSSLMethod): TSSLCtx; cdecl; libssl;
procedure SSL_CTX_free(context: TSSLCtx); cdecl; libssl;
function SSL_new(context: TSSLCtx): TSSL; cdecl; libssl;
function SSL_shutdown(ssl: TSSL): LongInt; cdecl; libssl;
procedure SSL_free(ssl: TSSL); cdecl; libssl;
function SSL_set_fd(ssl: TSSL; socket: LongInt): LongBool; cdecl; libssl;
function SSL_connect(ssl: TSSL): LongBool; cdecl; libssl;
function SSL_write(ssl: TSSL; buffer: Pointer; size: LongWord): LongInt;
cdecl; libssl;
function SSL_read(ssl: TSSL; buffer: Pointer; size: LongWord): LongInt;
cdecl; libssl;
function SSL_get_error(ssl: TSSL; ret_code: Integer): Integer; cdecl;

{ Hashing routines }

function MD5_Init(out context: TMD5Ctx): LongBool; cdecl; libeay;
function MD5_Update(var context: TMD5Ctx; data: Pointer; size: Cardinal):
LongBool; cdecl; libeay;
function MD5_Final(out digest: TMD5Digest; var context: TMD5Ctx): LongBool;
cdecl; libeay;
function SHA1_Init(out context: TSHA1Ctx): LongBool; cdecl; libeay;
function SHA1_Update(var context: TSHA1Ctx; data: Pointer; size: Cardinal):
LongBool; cdecl; libeay;
function SHA1_Final(out digest: TSHA1Digest; var context: TSHA1Ctx):
LongBool; cdecl; libeay;
function SHA256_Init(out context: TSHA256Ctx): LongBool; cdecl; libeay;
function SHA256_Update(var context: TSHA256Ctx; data: Pointer; size:
Cardinal): LongBool; cdecl; libeay;
function SHA256_Final(out digest: TSHA256Digest; var context: TSHA256Ctx):
LongBool; cdecl; libeay;
function SHA512_Init(out context: TSHA512Ctx): LongBool; cdecl; libeay;
function SHA512_Update(var context: TSHA512Ctx; data: Pointer; size:
Cardinal): LongBool; cdecl; libeay;
function SHA512_Final(out digest: TSHA512Digest; var context: TSHA512Ctx):
LongBool; cdecl; libeay;
function EVP_md5: TEVPMethod; cdecl; libeay;
function EVP_sha1: TEVPMethod; cdecl; libeay;
function EVP_sha256: TEVPMethod; cdecl; libeay;
function EVP_sha512: TEVPMethod; cdecl; libeay;
procedure HMAC_CTX_init(out context: THMACCtx); cdecl; libeay;
procedure HMAC_CTX_cleanup(var context: THMACCtx); cdecl; libeay;
function HMAC_Init_ex(var context: THMACCtx; key: Pointer; size: Cardinal;
method: TEVPMethod; engine: Pointer): LongBool; cdecl; libeay;
function HMAC_Update(var context: THMACCtx; data: Pointer; size: Cardinal):
LongBool; cdecl; libeay;
function HMAC_Final(var context: THMACCtx; digest: Pointer; var digestSize:
LongWord): LongBool; cdecl; libeay;


{$ifdef static}
{$linklib libssl.a}
{$linklib libcrypto.a}
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