[fpc-pascal] a proposal about "with" syntax
印場 乃亜
shiruba at galapagossoftware.com
Sat Mar 16 19:02:35 CET 2013
I also think this would be useful, but for other reasons, often times I end up with code like the following:
With BigLongThingIDontWantToWriteOutEverySingleTime do
Height := 100;
Width := 200;
Notice how I have to write the long thing out again at the bottom. There must be a way around that (Something like "Self", but that refers to whatever you are using in With). In Xiangrong's example, this could be mci, but even it it was a static name it would be useful. (If this exists and I am just not aware, please let me know!)
Thank you,
Noah Silva
On 2013/03/16, at 15:13, Xiangrong Fang <xrfang at gmail.com> wrote:
> Suppose I have the following class:
> type
> TMyClass = class
> public
> property Caption: string read FCaption write FCaption;
> property Items[Index: Integer]: string read GetItem write SetItem; default;
> function Count: Integer;
> end;
> I would like to do this:
> with MyClassInstance as mci, SomethingElse do begin
> Caption := 'A new caption';
> for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
> mci[i] := UpperCase(mci[i]);
> end;
> That is, to add an optional "as" clause to the with statement so that access array element in a structure is made easier.
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