[fpc-pascal] fcl-xml

dev.dliw at gmail.com dev.dliw at gmail.com
Tue Mar 12 10:39:35 CET 2013

working with fcl-xml some questions came together. Every hint is appreciated.

No matter what I do and which (short & valid) xml file I use - getElementById 
is always nil (tested with trunk and latest stable 2.6.2) and the same applies 
to TXMLDocument.IDs.
I tried with ReadXMLFile and TDOMParser with different options - but the 
result is always the same.

Is getElementById supposed to work properly or is it something that needs to 
be implemented?
Trying to understand what the parser does (not that easy), I got the feeling 
that no Hashtable for the IDs is created  - can someone with more insight 
comment on that?

Is there a way to tell WriteXMLFile *not* to use indentation?

What is the state of XPath?
The readme says 'Should be fairly completed' - can I assume it works for 
simple tasks?

Many thanks for any hint,

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