[fpc-pascal] Re: Connecting to Firebird using FPC/Lazarus over a LAN with user creation privilege

Reinier Olislagers reinierolislagers at gmail.com
Mon Mar 11 07:43:42 CET 2013

On 10-3-2013 21:56, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
> Reinier Olislagers wrote:
>> I've written a demo application that:
>> uses regular TIBConnection and SQL commands to
>> 1. create a new db on a server
>> 2. create a user with GRANT ADMIN ROLE and full control over the new db
> Subject to a maximum user name length of 31 characters on Firebird. The
> manual suggests that PostgreSQL has a limit of 64.

If you're going to list all differences between PG and FB as you hit
them, you might put them on a wiki page for easy retrieval by others.
The table/trigger/sp/view/general object name max length in FB is  about
32 bytes IIRC.

I suppose you found out FB has an 8 char effective password? You can use
more letters but MASTERKE is the same as MASTERKEY. Of course this goes
away if you use trusted authentication/OS authentication.

I suppose things'll change in FB 3 though. When that is released...
probably around the release of FPC 2.8 :)

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