[fpc-pascal] synapser freezes on fopen(FDevice, 0_RDWR or 0_SYNC) on raspberry Pi

Dennis Poon dennis at avidsoft.com.hk
Mon Jul 8 16:39:25 CEST 2013

Although not 100% sure, I kinda fixed the problem.
I remove a lot *.o *.ppu from the example and recompile again, both fpc 
2.6 and ppcarm 2.6.2 can produce programs that work.

I don't understand why and I am happy for now.
thanks for advice.


Dennis Poon wrote:
> Ewald,
> It does not fix it :-(
> The weird thing is, now even if I run the trimmed down version 
> compiled with 2.6.2, it also freezes.
> But running
>   sudo minicom -b 9600 -o -D /dev/ttyAMA0
> has no problem at all.
> I tried sudo -i
> then startx
> to run X window as root then execute the program, still freezes on 
> connect to /dev/ttyAMA0
> It is so weird :-(
> Dennis
> Ewald wrote:
>> On 08 Jul 2013, at 12:09, Dennis Poon wrote:
>>> However, when I extract the relevant code from that example and use 
>>> the normal fpc compiler (2.6.0) instead of the pparm (2.6.2) and 
>>> special fp lib inside that zip, my program freezes on synapser.pas   
>>> TBlockSerial.Connect
>>> at the line of fopen(FDevice, 0_RDWR or 0_SYNC).
>> Well, I recently had a similar issue, on Mac OS X and an USB to 
>> Serial converter (which had an FTDI chipset) -- maybe this issue is 
>> similar. The fix was really quite easy, but it took me a while to 
>> find out.
>> Assume your fpOpen() call returns a handle called `Handle`. Now add 
>> the following lines after your open call:
>> ===Code===
>> Var Attr: TTermios;
>> tcgetattr(Handle, @Attr);
>> Attr.c_cflag:= Attr.c_cflag or CREAD or CLOCAL; // --> This is the 
>> line that fixed the issue
>> //Do fix your other attributes here aswell, like ispeed, ospeed, etc...
>> tcsetattr(Handle, TCSADRAIN, @Attr); // Take a look at the 
>> documentation of this call to see what constant (TCSADRAIN) you want 
>> to use.
>> ===EOC===
>> Hope it helps!
>> --
>> Ewald
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