[fpc-pascal] TStringList.InsertItem

Bart bartjunk64 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 8 13:23:05 CET 2013


Procedure TStringList.InsertItem(Index: Integer; const S: string);
Procedure TStringList.InsertItem(Index: Integer; const S: string; O: TObject);

1018 Procedure TStringList.InsertItem(Index: Integer; const S: string);
 1019 begin
 1020   Changing;
 1021   If FCount=Fcapacity then Grow;
 1022   If Index<FCount then
 1023     System.Move (FList^[Index],FList^[Index+1],
 1024                  (FCount-Index)*SizeOf(TStringItem));
 1025   Pointer(Flist^[Index].Fstring):=Nil;  // Needed to initialize...
 1026   Flist^[Index].FString:=S;
 1027   Flist^[Index].Fobject:=Nil;
 1028   Inc(FCount);
 1029   Changed;
 1030 end;
1033 Procedure TStringList.InsertItem(Index: Integer; const S: string;
O: TObject);
 1034 begin
 1035   Changing;
 1036   If FCount=Fcapacity then Grow;
 1037   If Index<FCount then
 1038     System.Move (FList^[Index],FList^[Index+1],
 1039                  (FCount-Index)*SizeOf(TStringItem));
 1040   Pointer(Flist^[Index].Fstring):=Nil;  // Needed to initialize...
 1041   Flist^[Index].FString:=S;
 1042   Flist^[Index].FObject:=O;
 1043   Inc(FCount);
 1044   Changed;
 1045 end;

Why doesn't TStringList.InsertItem(Index: Integer; const S: string); just call
TStringList.InsertItem(Index, S, nil)?


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