[fpc-pascal] cannot read /sys/class/net/eth1/address even as root user on linux

Dennis Poon dennis at avidsoft.com.hk
Thu Dec 5 15:42:05 CET 2013

> While your method should work if that file actually exists, you probably
> want to use libudev for enumerating and getting device information from
> sysfs.  libudev will also enable you to get hotplug notification.
For your your reply.
The fact is:
1)  my linux distro starts with eth1 not eth0. Strange. I know.
2) my question was, why simply 'cat' works but I cannot read it from fpc 
usign Tfilestream or readlin(F, S);

Since I don't have time to invest in a portable solution, I am happy 
already if it works on my particular xubuntu distro.


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