[fpc-pascal] Build Lazarus Ide - On "make bigide": lazaruspackageintf.pas(102, 1) Fatal: Internal error 2013081601

Osvaldo Filho arquivostcf at gmail.com
Tue Aug 20 06:54:49 CEST 2013

Anyone coud help-me?

user1 at movotcf:~/Documentos/Desenvolvimento/pascal/svn/ex/lazarus1010$ make
make -C packager/registration
make[1]: Entrando no diretório
/bin/rm -f ../units/x86_64-linux/fcllaz.ppu
/usr/local/bin/ppcx64 -MObjFPC -Scghi -O1 -g -gl -vewnhi -l -Fu.
-Fu/usr/local/lib/fpc/2.7.1/units/x86_64-linux/rtl -FE.
-FU../units/x86_64-linux -Cg -dx86_64 fcllaz.pas
Hint: Start of reading config file /etc/fpc.cfg
Hint: End of reading config file /etc/fpc.cfg
Free Pascal Compiler version 2.7.1 [2013/08/19] for x86_64
Copyright (c) 1993-2013 by Florian Klaempfl and others
Target OS: Linux for x86-64
Compiling fcllaz.pas
Compiling registerfcl.pas
Compiling lazaruspackageintf.pas
*lazaruspackageintf.pas(102,1) Fatal: Internal error 2013081601*
Fatal: Compilation aborted
make[1]: ** [fcllaz.ppu] Erro 1
make[1]: Saindo do diretório
make: ** [registration] Erro 2


I do not understand this error.

This version of lazarus and Trunk show this error.

My environment:
Ubuntu 13.04 Amd64
FPC 2.7.1 rev: 25295

My /etc/fpc.cfg:














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