[fpc-pascal] How can retrive value from OUT parameter?
Marcos Douglas
md at delfire.net
Fri Apr 19 14:22:31 CEST 2013
On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 4:26 AM, Toru Takubo <takubo at e-parcel.co.jp> wrote:
> Hi Dmitry,
> Thank you very much for your advice. I am sure your
> code should work, but unfortunately I can not modify
> the existing stored procedures.
> I will explain what I have been trying so far.
> Suppose you are using the following stored procedure,
> ----------------------------------------------
> CREATE procedure [dbo].[IncValue]
> @Param int OUTPUT
> AS
> set @Param = @Param + 1
> return 100
> ----------------------------------------------
> The original program uses TADOStoredProc in Delphi 7,
> which is very easy to handle stored procedure.
> How to use it is like this:
> var
> r,i: Integer;
> DBP: TADOStoredProc;
> begin
> ...
> DBP.ProcedureName:='IncValue';
> DBP.Parameters.Refresh;
> DBP.Parameters.ParamValues['@Param']:=3; //set @Param as 3
> DBP.ExecProc;
> r:=DBP.Parameters.ParamValues['@RETURN_VALUE']; //got r=100, OK!
> i:=DBP.Parameters.ParamValues['@Param']; //got i=4, incremented OK!
> If you don't have TADOStored, still you can do the equivalent thing
> by using TADOQuery. (a little tricky, though...)
> var
> r,i: Integer;
> DBQ: TADOQuery;
> begin
> ...
> DBQ.SQL.Text:='IncValue';
> DBQ.Parameters.CreateParameter('@RETURN_VALUE',ftInteger,pdReturnValue,0,0);
> DBQ.Parameters.CreateParameter('@Param',ftInteger,pdInputOutput,0,3);
> //set @Param as 3
> DBQ.Parameters.Command.CommandType:=cmdStoredProc;
> DBQ.ExecSQL;
> r:=DBQ.Parameters.ParamValues['@RETURN_VALUE']; //got r=100, OK!
> i:=DBQ.Parameters.ParamValues['@Param']; //got i=4, incremented OK!
> With analogical thinking, I expected that the following might work
> for TSQLQuery in FPC:
> var
> r,i: Integer;
> DBQ: TSQLQuery;
> begin
> ...
> DBQ.SQL.Text:='IncValue :@Param';
> DBQ.Params.CreateParam(ftInteger,'@RETURN_VALUE',ptResult);
> DBQ.Params.CreateParam(ftInteger,'@Param',ptInputOutput).AsInteger:=3;
> DBQ.ExecSQL;
> r:=DBQ.ParamByName('@RETURN_VALUE').AsInteger; //got r=0, NG
> i:=DBQ.ParamByName('@Param').AsInteger; //got i=3, unchanged NG
> It does not work as I expected.
> I read fpc db tutorials and googled, but I could not find the answer for
> this specific issue. Would anyone have an idea which of the following
> is the truth?
> 1. My program is wrong or incomplete.
> 2. TSQLQuery (or TMSSQLConnection) does not support OUTPUT parameter.
> 3. TSQLQuery should be able to handle OUTPUT parameter, but currently a bug
> exists.
Hi Toru,
You can use SQLdb, MSSQL, StoredProcs and OUTPUT params, without
problems... but you have to change a little bit your code.
1- Use a TSQLScript
2- Following your example above, use this SQL:
declare @param int = :param
exec IncValue @param output
select @param as value
3- Call Open instead of ExecSQL
You can try Greyhound[1] to abstract this. See the example:
procedure TForm1.ToolButton9Click(Sender: TObject);
SC: TghSQLClient;
DS: TDataSet;
DS := nil;
SC := TghSQLClient.Create(DM.coRemote);
SC.Script.Text := 'declare @param int = :param '#13
+ 'exec IncValue @param output '#13
+ 'select @param as value';
SC.Params['param'].AsInteger := 3;
SC.IsBatch := True;
[1] https://github.com/mdbs99/Greyhound
(please, see the dev-0.1.6 branch for new features and changes)
Marcos Douglas
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