[fpc-pascal] Same code from LCL project throw error in console application

Krzysztof dibo20 at wp.pl
Tue Apr 16 21:23:23 CEST 2013


I have strange issue. Simple mpg123 player which work fine on LCL project,
on console application throw floating error in line "mh_e :=
mpg123_read(mh, @outbuf[0], buffer_size, done);"

Here you can download demo:

You find two projects in zip file. LCL and console.

Before you run project:
1. Copy shared libs from libs folder for your OS (I attached for linux
only) into project folder
2. Copy "Michita - Aurapporo.MP3" into your project folder

When you run console application it should play music and crash at 10
second. Please ignore code style etc. I just copied and modified source
from my original project

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