[fpc-pascal] FBLib (firebird library for FPC, Delphi and Kylix) has moved

Graeme Geldenhuys graeme at geldenhuys.co.uk
Sat Apr 6 02:17:00 CEST 2013

On 2013-04-05 22:30, Zaher Dirkey wrote:
> For understand, now it is the original repo for it or it is just a fork for
> it

It wasn't my intention to create a fork. I simply didn't want to loose
the FBLib fixes and improvements I made over the years, and had to find
it a new home.

Just the other day I saw the original author updated his website
slightly (new screenshots). This is the first movement I have seen in
years. Anyway, it is damn hard or near impossible to contact that author.

About a week ago he responded, but he has made no progress with FBLib in
years. I told him about my FBLib repository on Github with fixes and
improvements. It's up to him to merge them it - wherever he stores the
code. I'll keep my fork active for now.

> As i know, the site is http://fblib.altervista.org but no repo for it?

In the beginning of the year he created a Google Code repository
(probably the worst service Google has), but the FBLib there is the
original v0.85 release from years ago. What I have is newer.

  - Graeme -

fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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