[fpc-pascal] Re: I need an lNet expert: multiple connections and only one central CallAction() - is this possible?
Bernd Kreuss
prof7bit at googlemail.com
Tue May 29 14:20:12 CEST 2012
On 28.05.2012 16:02, Bernd wrote:
> What I would have expected would be some API where I can register
> all these connections (outgoing connections, listening sockets,
> etc) and then have only one thread blocking in only one call that
> will watch all these objects at once, but I can't find any
> explanation how this is supposed to be done with lNet.
I can now answer my own question:
It seems it is meant to be used in the following way. The first thing
I have to do is to have my own instance of a TLEventer class:
FEventer: TLEventer;
and instantiate it:
FEventer := BestEventerClass.Create;
and then set a short timeout (1000ms or so) to make the eventer
blocking but still be able to check the termination of the thread in
regular intervals and create a thread that calls CallAction in an
infinite loop:
procedure TEventerThread.Execute;
FEventer.TimeOut := 1000;
until Terminated;
And then I can create as many TLTcp instances as I need and for every
such TLTcp the first thing after creation is to set the Eventer property:
FLnetListener := TLTcp.Create(self);
with FLnetListener do begin
Eventer := FEventer;
OnAccept := @OnListenerAccept;
and even more such objects for outgoing connections (one for each
connection), each setting the Eventer to the same one and only eventer
constructor TBuddy.Create(AClient: IClient);
inherited Create;
FClient := AClient;
FLnetClient := TLTcp.Create(nil);
FLNetClient.Eventer := AClient.Eventer;
procedure TBuddy.InitiateConnect;
with FLnetClient do begin
OnConnect := @Self.OnProxyConnect;
OnReceive := @Self.OnProxyReceive;
OnDisconnect := @Self.OnProxyDisconect;
OnError := @Self.OnProxyError;
FLnetClient.Connect(FClient.TorHost, FClient.TorPort);
Seems to work quite well, I only have to find out how to properly shut
down incoming connections that were disconnected by the other side and
then start rapidly firing recv events with 0 bytes (CPU goes 100%),
the only way seems to be to set the Dispose property of the TLHandle
to true once I receive 0 bytes for the first time on this connection
and then pretend the connection is closed but I am not sure if this is
allowed and I am not leaking OS handles that way. Also with my code I
seem to be able to produce strange crashes inside heaptrc that I have
never seen before, still investigating how to reproduce.
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