[fpc-pascal] Re: What is the most widely used Pascal on Linux and other Unix variants?

Noa Shiruba shiruba at galapagossoftware.com
Thu Mar 1 01:43:09 CET 2012

Hi Sven,

Several of my programs stopped compiling with "duplicate identifier" errors where I had something like:

Var Tile:TOSMTile;

I thing the offending unit was Graphics, but I am not 100% sure.

(I just did search and replace of Tile to MapTile in my code to fix it once I realized the conflicting definition Was coming from one of the standard units).

Thank you,
      Noah Silva

On 2012/02/29, at 22:27, Sven Barth <pascaldragon at googlemail.com> wrote:

> Am 29.02.2012 14:02, schrieb Noa Shiruba:
>> Also, did anyone else notice that "tile" is now used by some standard units in FPC 2.6?
> How did you come to this conclusion? (I ask out of curiosity)
> Regards,
> Sven
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