[fpc-pascal] record helper types in 2.6

Sven Barth pascaldragon at googlemail.com
Thu Jun 28 17:23:23 CEST 2012

Am 28.06.2012 15:23 schrieb "Bernd" <prof7bit at gmail.com>:
> hello, I am referring to this: http://wiki.freepascal.org/Helper_types
> I am using 2.6.1 from the fixes branch, last updated no longer than a
week ago.
> the wiki mentions this syntax:
> TTestHelper = record helper for TTest
>  procedure SomeMethod;
> end;
> Now I must be understanding something completely wrong or doing
> something incredibly stupid but I can't find it, do I have to enable
> some mode switch for record helpers to work or is there something else
> that prevents my code from compiling? I am trying to do the following:
> unit purple;
> {$mode objfpc}{$H+}
> {$if FPC_FULLVERSION < 20600}
>  {$fatal *** You need Free Pascal Compiler version 2.6.0 or higher *** }
> {$endif}
> interface
> uses
>  Classes,
>  ctypes,
>  glib2;
> type
>  TGListHelper = record helper for TGList
>    function Append(Item: Pointer): Pointer;
>  end;
> and it will generate the following error:
> libpurple/purple.pas(77,32) Fatal: Syntax error, ":" expected but "FOR"
> I have stripped down the example to the bare minimum, so the line
> numbers do not match but in the original file (77,32) points to the
> "for" in the first line of the type declaration. What is wrong?

Ops... seems that I have forgotten to mention this: in non-Delphi modes you
need to enable the "advancedrecords" modeswitch to be able to declare
record helpers.

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