[fpc-pascal] Error message: No matching implementation for interface method ...

John Repucci john.repucci at gmail.com
Wed Jun 27 05:04:16 CEST 2012

I'm getting the below error messages and I suspect virtualstringtree /
 VirtualTrees.pas is the cause.

The virtualtrees.pas line it objects to is:
  TVTDragManager = class(TInterfacedObject, IVTDragManager,
IDropSource, IDropTarget)

Error: No matching implementation for interface method
"IDropSource.QueryContinueDrag(LongBool,LongWord):LongInt; StdCall;"

Error: No matching implementation for interface method
"IDropSource.GiveFeedback(LongWord):LongInt; StdCall;" found

Warning: An inherited method is hidden by

Any suggestions how I might fix the issue?
Using Laz 1.1 w/fpc 2.6.1 [2012/06/26]

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