[fpc-pascal] Re: fcl-passrc package question about source file and line number info

Seth Grover sethdgrover at gmail.com
Tue Jul 17 21:19:37 CEST 2012

I ran into another problem scenario, dealing with $include'd files.

Given these two files:

unit iputils;

{$mode objfpc}{$H+}


{$define IPv6_Types}
{$include ip.inc}
{$undef IPv6_Types}

{$define IPv6_Interface}
{$include ip.inc}
{$undef IPv6_Interface}


{$define IPv6_Implementation}
{$include ip.inc}
{$undef IPv6_Implementation}


{$IFDEF IPv6_Types}
type IPv6Addr = array[0..15] of byte;
type IPv4Addr = longword;

{$IFDEF IPv6_Interface}
function IsIPv4CompatibleIPv6Addr(const ipv6 : IPv6Addr) : boolean;

{$IFDEF IPv6_Implementation}
function IsIPv4CompatibleIPv6Addr(const ipv6 : IPv6Addr) : boolean;
  result := false;

I get an error like this:

Syntax error at token "EOF" in file iputils.pas at line 21 column
-7202378 line:21 column:-7202378 file:iputils.pas
An unhandled exception occurred at $000000000046FCA1 :
EParserError : Syntax error at token "EOF" in file iputils.pas at line
21 column -7202378
  $00000000004091A4 line 1913 of test_parser.pp



This email is fiction. Any resemblance to actual events
or persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

Seth Grover

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