[fpc-pascal] Re: RE : Database problem on Solaris SPARC

michael.vancanneyt at wisa.be michael.vancanneyt at wisa.be
Mon Jul 16 15:15:56 CEST 2012

On Mon, 16 Jul 2012, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:

> michael.vancanneyt at wisa.be wrote:
>>> On a side note:
>>> My quoted paragraph doesn't mention FreeBSD, but I have successfully
>>> ran Firebird Server & clients under FreeBSD 9.0 on x86, and there are
>>> FreeBSD downloads on the Firebird website for 2.1.x and older. So just
>>> because the latest version doesn't contain a download for a specific
>>> OS+CPU, doesn't make it "not supported".  Firebird rocks! :)
>> That means we should compile & distribute IBase and ibconnection in FPC,
>> because I think currently they are not.
> On a Solaris SPARC system, looking at /usr/local/lib/fpc,
> -bash-3.00$ find . -name ibconnection.ppu |sort
> ./2.4.2/units/sparc-solaris/fcl-db/ibconnection.ppu
> ./2.4.4/units/sparc-solaris/fcl-db/ibconnection.ppu
> ./2.6.0/units/sparc-solaris/fcl-db/ibconnection.ppu
> i.e. it's in 2.6.1 but isn't being built in 2.7.1 (trunk). I'm assuming that 
> I need the latter because of code generator fixes that I know were applied.


> It would certainly be useful for me to have the /client/ stuff on as many 
> platforms as possible, since I'm starting to look at a large distributed 
> project which will primarily be using PostgreSQL as its backend but I also 
> want the option of Firebird for "leaf" systems.
> Obviously the availability of the Firebird /server/ stuff is a completely 
> different issue. I'd neither be surprised nor particularly sorry if that 
> turned out to be x86-only.

Apparently, it is available for your platform too.

Strange that it was removed from trunk, though. We'll need to re-enable it.
Maybe it is the switch to fpmake that caused this.


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