[fpc-pascal] JSON and UTF8

Luiz Americo Pereira Camara luizmed at oi.com.br
Tue Jul 10 12:54:36 CEST 2012

Em 10/7/2012 04:32, Ludo Brands escreveu:
>> Following up on bug 22310 http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=22310
>> I enabled the use of UTF8 in the FPC JSON support.
>> The constructors of the JSON parser/scanner now accept an
>> extra argument
>> UseUTF8 which tells them to convert JSON strings to UTF8, not
>> the system codepage.
> I don't understand why you want to keep buggy behavior for backwards
> compatibility. I explain:
> StringToJSONString doesn't do any character conversion except for some
> special characters. The json spec rfc4627 par 3 says: "JSON text SHALL be
> encoded in Unicode.  The default encoding is UTF-8." Since no conversion is
> done logic says that fpjson expects unicode. Since TJSONStringType =
> AnsiString, UTF-8 is the only unicode encoding possible. So I don't
> understand why writing a TJSONStringType has to be utf8 to be compliant with
> the spec and with the outside world and when reading the same string back it
> is converted in system encoding.
> If system encoding support is needed then StringToJSONString should do also
> a system to utf8 encoding.

Agree with Ludo


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