[fpc-pascal] Documentation

luciano de souza luchyanus at gmail.com
Tue Dec 18 02:25:56 CET 2012

I have never used FPDoc, but I'd like to understand how it would work
in my specific case.
I am blind. I use screen reader. I compile my projects without the
intervenience of an IDE. No Lazarus, No FPC console ID, I compile my
projects with commands like that:

fpc myprog.pp

If Myprog.pp has the Pasdoc marks, I can create the documentation also
by means of commandline. But my question is: FPDoc can be used without
an IDE? If true, would I have to create the XML structure manually?
Pasdoc is a very good tool, but that's true the source code becomes overcrowded.
For my case, Pasdoc seems to be better becouse I won't have an IDE to
create the XML. Is this true?

2012/12/17, dev.dliw at gmail.com <dev.dliw at gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> as the question whether inline or external source docs are the way to go
> (again?) came up, here are my thoughts (currently searching for the "best"
> solution :) ):
> I personally prefer external docs (and thus started to use fpdoc);
> reasons are uncluttered source, less scrolling and (if you strictly limit
> oneself to 80 chars per line) readability on small screens (mobile).
> At the same time, I use short single (!) line comments to functions, very
> much
> the way pasdoc would use them.
> For sources in an early state (moving code around etc.) external
> documentation
> is really annoying, for the detailed documentation of mature source inline
> docs are simply unsuitable IMHO.
> Therefore I would really like to see a feature that combines both
> approaches,
> small inline comments, e.g. for IDE tooltips and overview documentation
> together with the possibility to have more detailed infos in external
> files.
> Don't get me wrong, that's not an complaint...
> ... I don't how much work it would be to extend fpdoc, but I really would
> like
> to contribute if I knew where to start [and had some more time...] :)
> Btw. I really like the lazarus fpdoc GUI...
> Just my 2 cents,
> d.l.i.w
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Luciano de Souza

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